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Date Posted: 16:49:46 07/04/02 Thu
Author: Wessae & Shrinae
Subject: Thank you
In reply to: Peace 's message, "*A look of sincere apology fills the Zeybrans eyes*" on 23:57:56 07/03/02 Wed

She nods and calls Shrinae inside mentally. The Kilven strides to the entrance of the den and dips her head to Peace and to Mavlae. 'Sae, you didn't tell me they were this charming looking. Awww, aren't they the cutest? She moves into the den with no hesitation, inclining her neck politely to the mother Kilven and heading over in the silver's direction.

"Well, thank you very much for the offer, I'm sure we'll be by at some point. It's so greatly appreciated." Wessae expresses genuinely, her smile tinged with sadness, but grateful and happy as well. Spying a red Kilven curled in the corner, she peers around her own and sees Channa. Waving she moves to greet her friend.

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