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Date Posted: 10:10:12 07/06/02 Sat
Author: Osserys
Subject: ..^..

The white Tokathe slips into the Den, his curious eyes slipping over the forms of the mother Kilven and drinking in the sight of her young as one in the desert devours water. He sketches a bow and a salute to the mother and her Linked, glad that his loose garments hide quivering shoulders and legs. "Congratulations on your sucessful litter, Mavlae. They are a beautiful group." He smiles a little nervously at her, his gaze slipping to the five nestled around her once more, before turning to Peace. "And congratulations to you as well, they are truly a marvelous group," he tells the Zeybran earnestly, his solemn nature surfacing in the face of this...situation? No, but not a challenge either. Though certainly, parts of it were challenging. This oppurtunity was hoped for, since he was young, though truthfully, what youngster does not hope to Link with one of these magnificent Kilven? Like a magnet, the five draw his eyes, their irrisitable young forms tease his imagination and his hopes, until he is utterly lost in them, in awe of their youthful magnificence.

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