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Date Posted: 19:23:26 07/06/02 Sat
Author: All'ndar :: Dialor, Niyt :: Versor
Subject: ::In for a Moment::

::The bronzerider walks in, hands buried in his jacket pockets. He stops once inside the door and runs a hand trough his hair to smooth it down. He grins and looks around, eyes falling on the Kilven riders. His grin softens to a wistful smile as a picture of the Dawn Sisters flash in his mind. But it only lasts a few moments. Another male walks in, taking up a stance beside the first. Niyt squints slightly, looking over to All'ndar. All'ndar moves forward first to Peace.::
"I hope you do not mind our intrusion. We're another from Pern and I have to say, I'm quite drawn to the Den. We will be making our stay short, so don't worry."
::He nods and moves happily over to Channa and Wassae, leaving Niyt behind. His amber eyes reflect an inner sadness, but he smiles.::
"Mavlae's clu- litter is beautiful. I know there will be sufficient number to Link to them."
::He bows his head and follows All'ndar to where he had appeared beside the two female riders. Niyt merely nodded to them and let All'ndar speak.::
"Hello, ladies. I hope I'm not intruding on anything, but I wish to be around others from...home."
::As All'ndar falters on that note, Niyt takes it from there.::
"I am Niyt, rider of Bronze Versor and this is All'ndar, rider of Bronze Dialor."
::Although All'ndar smiles, his bright countance making up for his falter, Niyt manages nothing in the way of greeting besides his former nod. He didn't feel like it at the moment.::

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