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Date Posted: 14:01:38 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Donovan and Nathor
Subject: *The black Tokathe shifts a bit, slightly uncomfortable about all the newcomers*

*Nathor rumbles a laugh* Brave Guide my eye... *The Brown Kilven shakes his head in amusement, but immediately changes his tone to a more serious one.* They come here for comfort, and I hope in the Linking they find it. By the first Vae, they've a right to be here. The least you could do would be to go around and introduce yourself, offer condolences.
*The Guide shakes his head* "I know, I know, I just didn't realize there were so many of them, and the look on their faces... I wish there was something we could do."
*The Brown shrugs* As I said, do what you do best. *The Brown's eyes swirl a cheerful blue* Kamali is coming here soon with news they will find enjoyable. Something of Flits and Flights? Pernese culture seems to be taking an affect on our own. *The Brown unfurls draconic wings in a much needed stretch* Or she would come here, if she weren't being blasted by the masses of CoinShifters at the Guide Den.
*Donovan grins* "If I know Kamali, she'll just have to roar and send the 'Shifters running..."

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