Date Posted:21:16:11 07/11/02 Thu Author: Yajer Subject: Oh..... oh boy..... In reply to:
's message, "*L*I*N*K*I*N*G*" on 18:00:03 07/11/02 Thu
The white, no big Tokathe by any stretch of imagination and probably a mere foot higher than the Kilven at the shoulder, goes crashing down as the Kilven cub rams into his leg. "Hai now... wh-?!" Yajer cuts off as he stares into the blue's whirling eyes, feeling himself sucked down into their sapphire depths. "Zen...thror... OH NO!" Almost panic-stricken, the white scrambles to his feet, quickly mimicked by the blue who stares at the Tokathe with a slightly insane look. Yep! Zenthror! Don't worry Yajer, you'll get used to flying! As if to emphasize his point, the cub spreads his beautiful wings and flaps them several times -- promptly knocking Yajer over again. The white stares up at his Linked, groans, and grabs a Kilven shoulder to haul himself upright. "You know what? You're right. Let's go get food. And then I'll set about convincing you NEVER EVER EVER to fly. At least not with me lacking about two thousand safety straps." Zenthror grins a very Kilven grin, You don't know me very well do you? "Oh vae diamen." Eeehehehehehe! Yajer stares at the cub, then up at the silver mother, then back at the cub. "Well. My life just got a lot more interesting." You can say that again.