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Date Posted: 18:00:03 07/11/02 Thu
Author: Kilven
Subject: *L*I*N*K*I*N*G*

*The Silver female lets loose a roar which echoes throughout the entire Den, Nathor follows this roar with a roar of his own, and immediately all attention is placed upon the cubs. Slowly at first, the cubs open their eyes and rise. Mavlae rises with them, and many rumbling bugles urge them forward.*

*The first to stumble forward on unused paws is the yellow. She peers about curiously, looks back to her mother, then races directly into the arms of Xev. I am Zierae. You have Linked with me Xev!*

*Next is the large bronze-furred cub, spreading spindly wings he races after his smaller yellow sister, only he collides with Osserys. You are now linked with me Osserys. I am Valor.

*The third cub to Link is the red. He looks confusedly between the two possible female candidates, then powers his small form over to the first girl to enter the Den. I am Luthor, Arili! We are Linked!

*Fourth to Link is the blue cub. Eyes swirling cyan in a crazed look, he leaps into the air and instinctively spreads his wings into a glide... crashing directly into Yajer's left leg. He peers up the third white Tokathe, and drops his jaw in a grin. Hiya Yajer! I'm Zenthror! We're Linked now... so lets get food!

*The final cub to leave the silver, is the large gold. She flaps sparkling wings once, then turns an azure gaze to Aiko. I am Leynae. You are my Linked Aiko!*

*A final roar from the Silver mother lets all know that Linking is complete.*

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