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Date Posted: 21:00:09 07/14/02 Sun
Author: Osserys::Valor
Subject: ...
In reply to: Kilven 's message, "*L*I*N*K*I*N*G*" on 18:00:03 07/11/02 Thu

The Tokathe can barely keep from gaping as Valor unceremoniously bumps into him, the momentary loss of his balance causing his mouth - just starting to drop in amazement - to snap shut, as he lands, as inelegantly reacting as his new Linked partner had announced it. ~Why are you not standing? I'm hungry, can I have food? Do you like the color gold? What about silver?~ Osserys blinks, deciding that he was probably going to spend a lot of time being the Source of Knowledge for his young friend. I'm not standing because you knocked me down. We'll get food in a moment - as soon as you move a little. I like silver and gold, any other questions? Valor considers this, then shakes his head and moves back, fairly prancing with anticipation. Osserys stands, dusting himself off and smiling affectionately at his Linked. He bows to the Silver Kilven, and trots after his lifemate, heading for food.

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