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Date Posted: 21:30:55 01/21/03 Tue
Author: Mother and Cubs; Evermor
Subject: *M*R*R*R*R*?
In reply to: Aliyra 's message, "*Excitement" on 17:59:29 01/20/03 Mon

At the scent of the first intruder, the mother is on her paws, hackles raised, wings flared protectively around her cubs. Claws extend into the rock, and ears flick back against a dangerous silver head, the wild Kilven ready to defend her litter against anything. But eyes widen in mild surprise as the Coinshifters appear, and she is barraged with compliments, she watches each a moment, tail flicking idly behind her... but nonetheless, her anger rises as "mother-bear" instinct kicks in, she leans back on her haunches, a snarl rippling against her throat... And then a flash of red is at her front, his blade parrying aside her raging attacks, his mind voice reaching her own. Angry eyes of the silver meet the calm swirling orbs of the red.

She subsides.

Conversation continues, Evermor remaining protectively between the CoinShifters and the Silver. At one point she rises up to her feet again, eyes swirling red with angry rage... Red Kilven bugles once again, says something of comfort, and once again the silver lays down. With a quiet nod of encouragement from the russet furred, the silver removes her wing to reveal her litter...

Evermor grins, and steps aside, so that the femmes who he'd "rescued" could see. His mindvoices echoes firmly in their mind, She's wild girls, remember that and remember that always. She's no tolerance for Linking accept that I promised that I am Linked and fully "free." Be careful when approaching the cubs, and do not aggrivate her! I will stay for a time, but must leave when Linking begins. Ready yourselves now, and learn some diplomacy... not that you'd done anything wrong before but, well, Wild Mothers tend to be antsy. Glad to be a bachelor m'self.

As his speech ends and his large red form clears, the litter of eight reveal themselves to the occupants of the Den. One gold furred, two silver, two green, a red, a bronze, and a lengthy furred brown. Six to Link to femmes, two to Link to males. Of the silver, one bears fur short and dark, the other bears fur long with a lighter shine. The green are similar in fur length, but a dark green is much larger then a more petite leaf green.

~Approach with Caution mri'faos, speak well to the Silver Mother and her cubs, nooo touchy, but prove yer RP'ing skills to me! And feel lucky! Yer getting the cubs of a rare un-Linked Kilven!~

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