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Date Posted: 22:03:39 01/25/03 Sat
Author: Lysander and Skivi
Subject: Figured a guy could be of use...

~The male walked in calmly, aware of the wild Kilven litter and moving slower than usual in order to fend off the already heightened defense of the cubs. He watched the cubs, curious but keeping distance between the group and himself. Brown eyes skipped over connecting with the expressively hostile Kilven hues. Eye contact was challenge, and he did not wish to cause strife, especially with a pretective Kilven mother. He grinned and grabbed onto the corner of his sister's tunic, preventing her from making the error of closing in. He moved foward slightly, palms up in a gesture of peace. His speech would not mean much, so he kept silent, body language speaking for him.~

+Skivi stopped close by her brother as he pulled at the belt of her tunic. Lightning gave the image of a red halo, light catching the spiked, red flecked tips of hair. Pale hues watched the small, furred creatures as they moved about. She broke into a broad grin and looked at her brother. She immeadiately frowned and batted at his hand. He was chewing his nails; they'd promised to rid each other of the habit. He smiled, but kept his eyes locked on the litter. She shrugged and returned to gazing at the eight cubs. The gold fur caught her gaze for an instant before she scanned the others, noting two silver and two green. All the colors were remarkable. She smiled again, watching the mother, but also avoiding eye contact. Wishing to go further, she hesitated and decided against it, burning the fact into her mind that this mother was wild and not to be tried.+

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