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Date Posted: 21:44:21 01/16/03 Thu
Author: ...
Subject: *W*I*L*D* *B*I*R*T*H*

The thunder of lightning cracks across a stormy sky, and rain begins to fall in torrents. Two eyes swirl yellow as a soaked silver fur clings to frozen hide of an expectant Silver Mother. Wings flare in precaution, and a whiff of the Cave is taken. Human scent... Coinshifter scent... and yet Kilven scent. The silver Mother wrinkled her nose in distaste. Linked. But Linked was a Chance she'd have to take as suddenly her broad stomach gave roll of contractian. Without further hesitation she loped carefully into the farthest shadows of the Birthing Den, and brought into the world a fine healthy litter of Cubs. As night drew her into the realms of sleep she curled up around them, hiding them from any who may approach... For now, they were not visible, but soon perhaps... colors and genders could be disclosed...

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