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Date Posted: 21:38:59 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Fern
Subject: \\\What if the world really is black and white, and we just see it in color because we want to?///
In reply to: Skivi 's message, "~Grin~" on 19:44:15 02/02/03 Sun

Fern nods her head in greeting to Jeleta. "A pleasure. And good luck. To you as well, Skivi." Fern almost breaks her calm gaze to grin, but catches herself. For some reason the exchange of luck wishes was... funny. Everyone hoping for the same thing for both different and the same reasons, and yet hoping that others could have it also. The feeling of strangeness quickly passes, overpowered by the love and longing in the den. Unfortunate indeed that there was the possibility that some would not link. In fact, it could not be avoided. "But," she muses out loud in a soft voice, “at least we will have the memory of this time. The sheer splendor of this place will never leave my heart, I know. Even if there is not a soul mate for me in that litter, I will be content with knowing that I have been here to witness the Linking of such marvelous cubs." Even if there is not a soul mate for me... Fern sends her willpower into accepting that fact. She had not thought of it before, but now would be the time. Her mind acknowledges that it could happen, and tranquility falls over her being once more. It could happen. Of course, she would feel some hurt, but nothing traumatizing. Once again Fern cannot help but feast her eyes once more in the beauty and magnificence of the Silver’s pelt. She loses herself for a moment in the loveliness of the hides of both mother and cubs, mentally spiraling into the radiance of them all.

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