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Date Posted: 21:24:23 02/06/03 Thu
Author: Fern
Subject: Re: ~*~Linking~*~
In reply to: Evermor; Silver Wild Mother; Cubs 's message, "~*~Linking~*~" on 22:04:37 02/05/03 Wed

As Fern watches the first seven link, her mind grows light while her heart becomes a little heavy. She felt joy for Jeleta, Skivi, Jasmine, and the other females who she did not know the names of; but with each link there was smaller chance of her own bonding. As the last silver chooses, Fern sighs. It would seem... but wait. The coinshifter rotates on an impulse, then freezes as she notices the noble gold padding towards her with dignified grace. For Fern, the world seems to stop as the gold comes to a halt before her. Entranced by the depth of the gold’s eyes, Fern hardly notices when the cub reaches out with her wings and tenderly encases her chosen within the eternal Link between Kilven and rider. The first wave of the mental bond thumps Fern hard enough to wake her from her daze; but it is gentle, like clear water poured into a crystal glass. Almost like a blanket of velvet settling over the mind and wrapping into every crevice.

Fyrae... You have inspirations and intuitions?
As you have yours, I have mine. And ours are much the same

Now the full rush of the Link hits Fern, the second wave harder than the first. She is aware of Fyrae's thoughts and emotions; and she can feel her thoughts in Fyrae's mind. Reaching out one hand, Fern gently caresses the gold's soft dome, careful to not harm her developing skull.

You are hungry indeed, love! A relieved sigh runs into Fern's thoughts.
I thought you would never notice! May we eat now?
Laughter rings in Fern's voice. Of course!

Laying one hand at the base of Fyrae's neck, they depart side by side from the den.

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  • Re: ~*~Linking~*~ -- Aliyra, 23:59:14 02/07/03 Fri

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