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Date Posted: 22:04:37 02/05/03 Wed
Author: Evermor; Silver Wild Mother; Cubs
Subject: ~*~Linking~*~

With a sudden loud roar that breaks through all conversation, the Wild femme lets it be known that something of great importance is occuring. The eyes of eight cubs seem to open at once, and slowly but surely the small bundles of fur struggle to wobbly feet. With a silent rumble of encouragement Evermor flings himself from the Den, his sentient prescence there could be harmful to the event that was about to occur.


With a loud mrowl the first cub, the bronze furred, wobbles eagerly towards the shadowy Lysander. There is no doubt in his mind as young, damp, wings flap outwards and he trips over them, digging painful little claws into the thin membrane. He yowls his distress, but pries himself from his tangled position, and with a final yowl of determination, flings himself straight at the chest of his chosen Lysander... the blast of mental touch is incredible. Within the boy's mind is now a beating breathing being, and swiftly a voice follows. I am Kador! We are Linked!

The next is the smaller of the two greens, dark fur of the forest stretches perfectly over a roly-poly cub like form. Expressive eyes swirl yellow in confusion as she blinks at the many female beings infront of her, but with a low snort of descision she makes her way towards Skivi. Forepaws stretch up to push against the girl's stomach, broad emerald wings flapping up great gusts of excited wind as the next chosen is Linked. Skivi, I am Shallae, I choose you!

The red male shakes his fur with silent toothy grin, and allows the lengthy russet masses of fluff to settle before eyeing his choices. Tail blade still hardening he points it expressively at his being of choice... then lopes straight over to rub a massive ruff against Jasmine's side. Ears perk with glee as their minds become one, My name is
Hashador, Jasmine. Do you approve of me?
Eyes fill with worry as he looks up in expectation.

Another lengthy-furred male, the brown doesn't bother to shake the dampness of the cave from his hide, but in a hyper spurt of energy, spreads his wings, and in a half-shuffle, half-glide, manages to make his way over to the poetic Renus, eyes fill with love as his tail wraps in a sort of "hug" about his lifemate's legs. Renus? I am Romanor! We are one!

With a rumble of impatience, the darker, short-furred silver makes herself known. Tail-blade perks behind her as she gives herself a haughty little shake. Tiny claws extend and fangs are bared, as if she wished to make herself look as impressive as possible before choosing her Linked. With a loud yip to show off her voice, she works her way over to Jeleta, and licks her hand delicately. I am Kymalae.

A second later and the lighter green-furred has tilted her head after her brothers and sisters in baffled confusion. Eyes widen with fear but she forces herself after them... at first shy, but picking up speed as she chases. She continues to run even after her gaze is diverted from the path ahead as she witnesses a Linking... and she manages to plow straight into Diami. Eyes gaze upwards to the face of the femme she collided with... and the Link is made. Diami? I am Adelae!

With a silent grin of anticipation, the stoic longfurred silver makes her way slowly across the Den. Her mind had long since been made up, and so her gaze does not move from the girl that she had chosen. Ears perked in a friendly manner, she raises up on her hind legs to place a furry head on Aliyra's shoulder. My name is Malakae. You are my lifemate Aliyra."

And then, the gold. Eyes flicker calmly along the matched pairs, and then lock firmly with one's gaze who had as of yet not been Linked. A slow, methodical, and yet almost regal gait sends her before the careful stature of Fern, where she sits a long moment, before reaching out with long, golden wings, and enwrapping the femme with both physical apendages... and mind. Fern? I am Fyrae... And I too have dreams of my own.

With a long bugle of both joy and mourning, the silver Mother flings herself from the Den... Off into the open sky, and beyond the sight of all present. Her job was done here. Her cubs were now safe.

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