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Date Posted: 14:27:02 02/08/03 Sat
Author: Lysander%Kador and Skivi~Shallae
Subject: Re: ~*~Linking~*~
In reply to: Evermor; Silver Wild Mother; Cubs 's message, "~*~Linking~*~" on 22:04:37 02/05/03 Wed

~Lysander's expression changed dramatically, the slanted grin forming as he watched silently. He hadn't the time to stand and reach out to the struggling bronze before the Kilven cub had pinned the boy against the wall. The mental touch startled him, but before he could react the voice echoed in his mind. He grinned, brown eyes shining as the pair connected. He reached out his hand, tentatively going to pet the bronze. Kador blinked, releasing the male from his position between his paws and the wall. He purred, then headbutted the male softly.~
%I'm hungry%
-Right, food would be good-
~The echo of laughter sounded in Lysander's thoughts.~
%You hungry too, eh?%
-Guess so-
~He looked over at Skivi, who seemed quite busy with her own new linked.~

+The femme put her foot back, steadying herself against the wind Shallae's wings created. She chuckled softly, blue eyes shining as they locked with the yellow eyes of the green. The green swung her tail energetically, still resting her paws on her new lifemate.+
~Whatcha wanna do? Sleep or eat?~
~That sounds difficult. I think food would be good.~
-Sounds great Shallae-
+The femme grinned, watching as Lysander and the bronze Kilven made their way towards them.+
"Skiv, what's her name"
"Shallae. Isn't she great."
~Of course~
"Hey now, don't get egotistical"
"Nevermind. Who's the bronze Lysander?"
-That's my sister Skivi, and the green is Shallae-
%Hello Shallae%
~Hi Kador. Skivi can we eat now?~
%Us too%
~+The four left together, exiting the cave towards the tavern+~

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  • Re: ~*~Linking~*~ -- Jasmine, 16:10:34 02/08/03 Sat

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