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Date Posted: 04:46:18 09/29/02 Sun
Author: Millicent
Subject: learning

Millicent walks throw the golden grass looking at the sky. "I don't know about this flying thing." she states uneasily as she extends her new wings. Zara and Passion chirp there encouragement from the sky. Her wings fully when fully extended are twice as her body. As she exercises her wings the light bonuses off the scales reflecting a rainbow of color. {Well I'm going to give this a try} She thinks to herself. She starts with a trot flapping her new wings then as she starts into a gallop she leaps into the air and for a few minutes she is air born. The feel is so wounderful she laughs out loud with joy. But she is new at this and loses her balance quickly. She tries to land safely but stumbles and goes end over end. With a thud she finally stops lying on her back. Slowly with great care so as to not herself more she rolls to her knees. She extends her wings and folds them gently to her side. Looking up at "teachers" she laughs or tries to but her sides hurt to much for that."I wish we had Numbweed here. I think I'll rest for a little bit and then were going to see if this violet river really does work." Passion and Zara wing throw the sky enjoying the breeze.

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