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Date Posted: 22:30:42 10/07/02 Mon
Author: Donovan and Nathor
Subject: Sleepytime...
In reply to: Tulefel 's message, "*****" on 20:41:04 10/04/02 Fri

The massive brown form of Nathor lands carefully admist the golden grasses. He grins up at his lifemate, and with a careful shove of the blunt of his blade, sends his black-furred rider sprawling to the ground. Green eyes glare murderously up at the brown Kilven as the Guide angrily dusts himself off and leaps to his feet, then turns as Nathor points one massive paw in a southern direction.

Catching only a flash of silver white Donovan blinks once, then lopes forward with caution, tail blade curved behind him preparation... Just in case this being was some odd new CoinShifter. And then his tail drops as he realizes it is one of his own. Sensitive eyes flick once over the sleeping creature and then he steps back, uncomfortable watching the white Tokathe's slumber. He tilts his head once at the femme, then turns and walks back to his Brown, who was now comfortably sprawled in the soft golden fields. Donovan leans up against the well musculed flank of his Linked and crosses his arms, allowing himself to enjoy the realm of sleep as well.

There was always time for introductions in the morning.

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