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Date Posted: 20:23:55 02/15/03 Sat
Author: Koshi
Subject: Shopping

A young female steps into the store, her long brown hair ties in a neat braid which waves in the slight breeze. Her pupils grow as she steps into the store. She had a full pouch full of round full objects and a tattered and torn hemp sack with little to nothing in it. She pulls out a ripped sheet of parchment and reads the first thing on the list. She travels down the rows of weapons and stops at the staffs. She walks down the row, inspecting each quarterstaff. She finds a straight, flawless oak wood quarterstaff and picks it up. As she inspects it she notices it is covered with patterns of leaves matching those on her clothes. She holds it in both hands and begins to dance around. She smiles and replaces it with a smooth, greenish stone from her pouch and straps it to her back. She glances at the list again and walks towards the bows. Her hand reaches for a beautiful composite longbow made of oak, engraved with leaves. She pulls the oiled string back and smiles. She removes the string, coils it and puts it in her belt pouch. She straps the bow to her back and replaces it with a purplelish stone from her pouch. She walks a few steps and picks out a good leather quiver full of, straight oak arrows. The arrows are fletched with light green feathers. She throws it over her shoulder and replaces it with a smooth, pure black pebble from her pouch. She pulls out the list again and walks to wear the knives are kept. She opens a oaken box and pulls out a dagger. It has gleaming metal and is of beautiful craftsmenship. It has a green, leathery cloth wrapped around the hilt. She waves it around expertly and takes the six daggers and their sheaths, replacing each with a beautiful stone. She clips two of the sheaths to either side of her belt, two to her arms under her sleeves, and two her legs under her boots. She glances at the list and walks towards a different eisle and picks up a nice leather backpack with silver buckles, replacing it with a pretty shell. She looks at the list and heads over to the ropes and picks out a 50' hemp rope and coils it around her shoulder. She replaces it with a small whitling of a roaring kilven. She walks down the rows and stops at a small wooden box. She opens it and it contains bandages, needles, and thread. She places it in her backpack and replaces it with a pretty shell. She walks over and picks out a small lantern and a flask of oil, replacing them with two small shell necklaces. She then walks over to a different eisle and picks out a empty book with a leather cover and binding. She replaces it with a small pearl. She thin gets a vile of ink and an ink pen and replaces them with pretty stones that shine when the sun hits them. She then gets some twine and a fish hook and replaces them with shells. She fetches flint and steel and replaces it with a small silver buckle. Satisfied, she leaves the store.

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