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Date Posted: 21:07:21 03/03/03 Mon
Author: Koshi
Subject: Shopping

The strange coinshifter prances into the shop, her horse hooves clicking against the wooden flooring. She carelessly tosses a silver braid over her thin shoulder. She flicks her horse tail idly against her horselike hindquarters. She glances around the room, her eyes flicking from one item to the next. She spots in the corner a small but beautiful lap harp. She walks over, her face full of awe as she inspects the extroidinary piece of craftsmenship. She reaches for it, not wanting to touch it, for her fingers would leave a mark on the beautiful surface. It was silver, with a band of sapphire running down the middle all the way around. She picked the harp up, strumming a mellow chord. She picked it up, deciding that she must have it. She replaced it carefully with a small piece of semi-precious stone she had found. She trots a few more steps, cradling the harp lovingly in her arms. She picks up a silk, padded harp case and replaces it with a large conch shell. She places the harp carefully into it, and slinging it over her shoulder. She looks at her tattered and torn clothes, ripped and torn from all of the shifting. Only her tunic was intact. She walked over to where the clothes were held and picked out a gauzy silver tunic and a silver vest. She walks into a dressing room and changes, replacing the new clothes with her old ones. She smiles at the comfort of the clothing and trots over to wear the weapons were. Figuring she couldn't do much with a quarterstaff and a bow and arrows anymore, she walks down the line of weapons. She finds a pair of curved blades she remebered reading about in a book. She takes the schimitars and their hilt and straps them to her back. They were beautiful, silver hilts with sapphires in the shape of maple leaves on the T of the hilt. She walks over and takes a heavy crossbow and a quiver of bolts, fletched with blue arrows. She replaces them with her old bow and arrows. Satosfoed, she leaves the shop.

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