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Date Posted: 01:22:27 08/25/02 Sun
Author: Millicent
Subject: Looking for something

Strolling through the door Millicent looks around to see witch aisle to start with. Heading down an aisle to the right she notices several things that she has never seen before. "How can sso much sstuff be in one placce." Passion chirps in response her eyes whirling in happiness. "Well what sshould we look for firsst?" Passion projects a picture of fresh meet into Millicent's mind. "Yes I guesss you would want that" she laughs scratching Passion's eye ridge. Spotting some meet she places it in her basket replacing it with a gold ring. Then scanning the shelves she notices a verity of fruit taking a few and replacing it with some scarf's. Looking down some more aisle she see some paper and pens. "Oh good I can get back to my writing" Placing the last item in her basket and replacing it with a feather. She wanders out the door back the Vae tree.

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