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Date Posted: 00:25:15 09/04/02 Wed
Author: Marithura & Marthur
Subject: Thura looks for a maternity top...

After warning the horde of flits that looked to the two of them to stay outside with Sarinor, Thura walks into the shop a little hesitantly, followed by Marthur. She looks around, watching the other shoppers for a moment, then looks for the clothing aisles. She is gratified to find that some kind soul has stocked the shoppe with clothes in the style of her old home. Seeing a section with an image of a pregnant...something...(she assumed that one had been Coinshifting for a while!) over a small set of shelves, she headed in that direction. She searched for a nice long-sleeved overtunic, that dropped to a long, full shape below a tie belt threaded through loops under the chest. When she found a few, she was overjoyed to see that one of them was in the exact shade of blue that Sarinor's hide once had been. She held it up to herself to check the fit. "What do you think?" she queried her brother.

His eyes softened as he recognized the hue. "It looks beautiful, sis...a perfect match. It sets off your auburn hair quite well, and brings out the fire in your eyes. I haven't seen that in a long time." It was then that she remembered her eyes were also of the same color.

"Well, it's settled, then. I've seen others leaving different things in trade, so I guess that is what this blue stone is for. The Guide was very kind." She folded the tunic carefully and took the stone from her pocket, placing it where the garment had been. Gesturing for him to follow, she walked out of the Shoppe and over to Sarinor.

Where to now, mine? Do we go back to see the feline again?

Yes, my dear Sarinor, we do. Are you getting tired?

A little. But I am eager for a home. We have been alone long.

Thura felt the stirrings of chagrin. Had she been selfish all of this time, depriving her beloved red of companionship of his own kind? He had been alone in learning about his new shape...should she have taken him to be with the others so that he would have support in dealing with the changes? My red, do you wish I had joined the others from Home when we arrived?

No, I do not.
His mindvoice held worlds of sadness.
I did not want to see others then either.

Thura could have cried anew, feeling his pain. She knew how he felt. After the months of seclusion, the tearing ache of Sl'th's and Tillath's deaths was still completely fresh in their minds.

Come, my love, it is time we were back at the Den. Without another thought between them, or a word from Marthur, (who knew the signs by now of their conversations) they were soon airborne again, flying back to the Guide Den.

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