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Date Posted: 16:02:04 10/14/02 Mon
Author: ±.Nova.±
Subject: ±enters±

The ivory hued Tokathe Nova pads in, raptor-like claws quiet. She peers at the shelves, dial cocked to the side as she gazed. She came in on a hunch, the Tokathe not looking for anything in particular..but maybe she'd find something she fancied?
White optics look at the other shoppers giving her the impression she was blind, but in truth she saw quite well..maybe better then some?
Tail high, blade glinting, she edged through the aisles until she found something of intrest. "Oooh!"
Maw opened into a wide grin as she looked upon a colorful gem. Intrigued by the many hues she picked it up and examined it.
The white Tokathe, enjoying pretty baubles put the stone in the big interior pocket of her cloak and then withrew a small pearl she had found.
She placed it where she had found the pretty bauble and exitd the shoppe.

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