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Date Posted: 19:35:56 03/04/03 Tue
Author: Koshi
Subject: Play

The coinshifter trots in, her hoofs noisily banging against the floor. She throws her silver braid over her shoulder and trots to the bar. She signals to the bartender, who brings her a drink. She sips it then pulls out her harp. She strums it lightly to tune it, and then bursts into song, her cool soprano drifting through the tavern.

"The mighty hawk soars through the sky,
Over forests and rivers he did fly,
All forest creatures hear it's mighty cry,
The spirit of the hawk will never die

The majestic eagle brave and free,
A more beautiful thing there can not be,
People stop to see,
The majestic eagle, brave and free.

The swift owl, full of might,
but he only hunts at night,
He kills his pray before it can even put up a fight,
But the flee from the light,

The soaring falcon, so graceful and fast,
When it's prey see's the hawk, they have seen there last,
He soars higher then a sailing ship's mast,
The reign of the falcon will never be past."

She holds out the last note, and her voice fades slowly into silence. She sets her harp down and takes another sip of her ale. She looks around, curious, sipping her mug.

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