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Date Posted: 02:05:27 02/20/03 Thu
Author: A'rak~Kador & Wessae~Shrinae
Subject: Dismay

A'rak crouches on a stool, sipping a cold drink and gazing off into space. It was so WEIRD to be here, and even weirder to be one of the only ones with a strange name, an honorific. It sets me apart, I feel different.

No, it doesn't. Your attitude does. You have to let some things go, buddy. She's not coming back. Kador says gently, rumbling in sympathy and laying his head on A'rak's shoulder.

Another figure walks in, sighing and flopping on a nearby stool, her head hanging down tiredly, dark brown curls dribbling over her neck. The large yellow and green Vae on her shoulder tosses curls hurriedly over her neck and the gold Kilven that follows yawns and stretches. Tilting her head to the side, she recognizes her brother and smiles faintly. "Hey." Said quietly, enough to catch A'rak's attention.

"'Sae?" He asks, just as quietly, his voice infused with some disbelief. A nod confirms it as the two Kilvens greet each other. "'Sae, where'd you get that thing?" He asks, pointing to the Vae.

"From the tree. I was looking for Channa and...well, he just dropped right in front of me. Say hello to Metatron." Wessae says proudly, holding the preening Vae in front of her brother. A'rak waves faintly, and Wessae's eyes narrow. "You miss her, don't you?" Without another word, she places her free arm on her brother's and sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. There'll be time to get over it." The young man admonishes, staring into space again.

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