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Date Posted: 15:41:37 07/14/02 Sun
Author: Kain-Radiae [Leviathan, Jallion, Darkiy, Lunima]
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Karsky 's message, "::_::" on 13:21:24 07/14/02 Sun

Kain's eye narrows again, and she turns her head slightly to get a better view of the girl. The 'Shifter gathers her huge feet under her, the tip of her powerful tail flicking in bemused thought. The near-black Kilven curves her neck back, lone left eye mottled in its usual deep silver-gray-- different from the stony sad color-- and just barely lighter than the surrounding graying fur. A few lone specks of reddish-brown protection swirl off the pupil. Her long teeth are still bared, yet she settles back and refolds her wings. The grizzled mercenary's grip is loose on the dagger. This youngling, half her age, couldn't get closer without Raidae or herself noticing. Yet Karsky's words stir up vexation. The woman's tone is cold and gruff.
"I was a lone sentinel; feared, yet respected. If andyone treated me bad, they'd have been torched long ago. I was...content at Benden."
Kain rubs three fingers through gray-black hair. Her words are blunt, and emotionless. The Coinshifter looks deep into Karsky's left eye, reading what her trained ocular can. Inner sorrow, masked with happiness. Rather true happiness, yes, but something had happened to the girl.
"And you? A trained eye as mine can read emotion..."

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