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Date Posted: 09:06:41 07/15/02 Mon
Author: Karsky
Subject: ::_::
In reply to: Kain-Radiae [Leviathan, Jallion, Darkiy, Lunima] 's message, "~!@#$%^&*()_+" on 15:41:37 07/14/02 Sun

She smiles sadly, fanning the fingers of her right hand to artially cover he eye. Even that brought memories back from the grave. She remains silent for many moments, then finally speaks. "I was ready to leave High Reaches, the only thing it held for me was a chance to Impress, what I can find here in Linking. However, you inquiry after a very close matter. I don't know if I'm able to tell you or anyone else just yet..." With that, she falls into a long silence in which she returns to klah, smile and personality replaced by a brooding feel. By one question...that's all it would take to send her from cheerful to reclusive. If this happens everytime, she'd have to face the music some day.

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