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Date Posted: 12:44:12 08/11/02 Sun
Author: G'nyth & Tajor
Subject: Rangy black Tokathe saunters in, bronze Kilven trailing behind...
In reply to: Tenji 's message, "=|=" on 13:17:06 08/08/02 Thu

Seeing no other seats avaliable, he takes the seat next to the femme, nodding to her before burying his face in a tankard of ale, bladed tail twitching with moodiness. The large Kilven settles at his feet, chowing down on a piece of raw steak his Lifemate had thoughtfully ordered for him.

'They don't bite, you know.' the Kilven remarks idly, keeping both eyes on his meat.

Who? The twitching tail quiets, sable blade still on the floor.

'The others. G'nyth, you have to make friends sometime. You can't just sit here, brooding, forever.'

The Tokathe grunts, leaving the bronze Kilven Tajor to interpret what it means, and orders another tankard of ale.

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