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Date Posted: 17:58:14 10/28/02 Mon
Author: Kain-Raidae
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+

In a sudden rush of wind, the door swings open to admit a shrouded figure, eight feet tall and jointed...wrongly. The Shifter is blacker than the night outside, almost-gray skin patches in places with black scales, huge footpaws treading silently upon the wooden planks. Squeezing through the doorframe awkwardly follows a melanistic Kilven, fur so impossibly dark a green it is virtually black, and dashed with a gray of a similar shade and pure black. Slight fringes of a paler smoke run across her eyeridges and snout. The immense creature, easily the size of a large bronze, gazes around grimly, right eye blinded with a long scar. Her bonded, the mercenary-CoinShifter, settles at the counter, far from the others gathered there, and orders a mug of green ale. Raidae hunkers beside her, silently lavishing in 'her' tavern. Kain glares around, letting no one see her face.

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