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Date Posted: 17:07:56 10/26/02 Sat
Author: Drueila
Subject: *Enters the Tavern*

The coinshifter opens the door and comes in quietly, unnoticed over the din and activity. She looks about curiously and despite the many new sights and sounds she is unintimidated. She strides calmly yet purposefully towards the bar and the creature behind it, easily slipping through the crowded interior of the room. Standing for a moment, as if carefully considering what to do next, she sees a tokathe about to leave his stool at the bar. When he leaves, she seats herself in a dignified yet casual manner and asks the bar tender for a creiberry froth, the first words she has spoken since arriving. Her voice is gentle yet resonant, she does not speak loud though she is heard and understood nonetheless. Politely she thanks the brown Tokathe that brings her drink and turns on her stool to survey the creatures present. None of which take any notice of her. she wonders.

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