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Date Posted: 03:07:34 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Tiestra
Subject: One of my favourite things...

*Walking into he tavern and smelling the hops that wafed into her nostrils brought back memories long since repressed. Memories of a better time in a place that she had loved. But, that life had ended and a new one had begun. Her time as a vampire had been long but now it was over and she had to make a new life...a mortal life. A slight breeze caught Tiestra's hair as the door behind her shut with a soft bang. The bar was mostly empty but she knew that if she were to find one of her lost friends this was the place to do it. They had always had drinking games and both of them had never left the tavern afterwards with a clear mind. With all of the different alias' that she had had since then though, no one would recognize her. No matter, sitting down at the bar she gave the bartender's shirt a pull. "The strongest stuff you've got." Without much hesitation the 'tender got her her drink and let her be. They call this strong? She thought as she took a slug. Turning her back to the bar she watched those arounded her. Simply observing them gave her a feeling of knowledge. Her observations is what won her that Kardos game back on Shisunat. Everyone had their little habits...it was in her nature to learn them...*

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