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Date Posted: 20:05:35 07/11/02 Thu
Author: [ Ritaki & Aliae ]
Subject: Sighs...
In reply to: Kinalies 's message, ".::^::." on 21:32:08 07/10/02 Wed

{Bad, short, lame post. I know. I'm not really trying though, since she isn't actually DOING much here... Will be better once I actually get started. Just wait. *cackles*}

The young woman sighed, brushing a strand of sun bleached hair out of her eyes as she entered the Black Kilven Inn. Cobalt blue eyes flickered about the room, as her mind wandered. Why was it called the Black Kilven Inn? She didn't think there were any black kilvens. Ah well, it sounded good, she supposed, even if it didn't make much sense. Suddenly, she noticed a note stuck to the stone wall. Curious, she walked over and read it under her breath.

"Attention riders from the Lost Planet. If you had previously owned fire lizards, they have appeared at the Vae Tree. If you wish, you may return to their company."

The handwriting seemed strangely familiar, and she tried to put a finger on it, but failed utterly. A name, a memory, locked away for fear of the emotional pain it would bring, struggled to reach the surface, but was forced back into the recesses of her mind by a mental, subconcious wall built within. She shrugged the feeling off, instead focusing on the contents of the message. She could find Sitoru and Azer! A memory of her darling blue and bronze perched upon her shoulders sent her swiftly out of the Inn and nearly running towards her Linked.

The Kilven's mind voice was amused. ^:Back so soon? Where's the fire?:^
.:Aliae, the flits have appeared at the Vae Tree! We could find Sitoru and Azer!:.
.:Yes! There was a note inside of the inn.:.
^:Well then, what are you standing around for?:^

Not bothering to answer, she swung quickly up, and they took to the air.

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