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Date Posted: 14:43:26 11/05/02 Tue
Author: Rehvah
Subject: (;D

Rehvah smiles lazily at Drueila before bouncing back to his footpaws and strumming a chord on his harp. The eerie tune sings itself out his mouth and instrument...

"The Kilven flung his mighty head,
To face the sky and roar,
His eyes were tinged a fiery red,
Like some beast of ancient yore.

Ride the wind, O massive brown,
Spread thy wings and glide,
The hapless prey thou shalt down,
The winds of time thou shalt ride.

Dive and lilt with brassy grace,
Strike with perfect ease,
Through cloud and void thou shalt race,
Like an earthy, violent breeze.
Oh, an earthy, violent breeze...."

Waving his tail to keep time, the white Tokathe keeps up the notes for a while longer. After a while, he lets them slide into the usual rumblings of the tavern.

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