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Date Posted: 19:32:00 06/14/04 Mon
Author: Phamiile (Kyrusk)
Subject: Glory
In reply to: Anzu & Neko 's message, "A Little Sad" on 14:37:51 06/14/04 Mon

Equine legs shuffle a bit awkwardly as the Shifter brings himself closer. His smile is warm in his narrow, effeminate features. Strande of his mane flutter about his neck and back where they mingle with scarlet plumage. He extends his hand - softly-furred on the back but bare skin on the palm, coloured white with symmetrical blotches of crimson and black and orange. A few glitters of golden and silver can also be seen.

'You have melded with a Phoenix coin. I can tell this. The Phoenix is a creature of splendid grace and beauty.. myself; I am merely a butterfly, a songbird, a fish, and a pony. Do not feel sad for your appearence.'

He seemingly addresses her former concerns, before moving on to her latter.

'If the giver wishes for a mindbonded companion in the dark times, she is allowed to feel no guilt as she waits for one, Lady Anzu.'

Elegant golden hooves rustle softly in the grasses beside the great willowy tree as he stands. He tosses his head, and gives a mental nudge to Kyrusk, who had shuffled away as his Linked rose, and now flutters to perch upon the extended limb, then making his way to Phamiile's shoulders.

'Remember me, lady. I will conquer the evil from this world - I have foreseen it! In the very eyes of the Vae spirit!'

He turns, and his wings fold elegantly upon his back as he rears and lunges off, hooves churning the sand in the same manner of his coming. A feather comes loose and settles where he had lay - brilliant and red and stiff, almost radiating the unicorn's golden aura.

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