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Date Posted: 22:56:48 06/14/04 Mon
Author: Anzu&Neko
Subject: Re: Glory
In reply to: Phamiile (Kyrusk) 's message, "Glory" on 19:32:00 06/14/04 Mon

Anzu smiles after the coinshifter. "I most certainly will remember that great creature." Standing, she walks to the feather and picks it up. "Merely? He does not do himself justice." She gently tucks the feather into the netting on her bag, and stands by her sleeping companion to watch the sun set behind the tree. "Not enough at all..."

"Anz'? Whazz goin' on?"

Anzu smiles down at Neko. "Nothing. I'm just going to fly for a bit."

"All righ'... Don't get eatn'..." Lavender eyes drift closed again, leaving Anzu to spread her wings and, with two steps and a powerful thrust, launch herself into the air, showers of golden sparks falling from her flaming wings.

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