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Date Posted: 22:25:41 07/31/04 Sat
Author: Sangue
Subject: Hello!
In reply to: Neko Yukisen 's message, "Well, maybe I WON'T go see Anzu yet... ^_^" on 00:16:28 07/31/04 Sat

((He's a Elhiy. I'm not sure if he's on the creatures list yet, so I'll tell you here. He's about four foot three feet at the shoulder, as he's not yet full grown. When he is, he'll be about six feet. It has a feline like body, with a horse like head. Tail is twice as long as body, and he's got black, leathery wings. They're supposed to be very graceful and beautiful, no matter how bad I decribe them. ^_^))

Sangue looked up at the girl, and smiled shyly. He hadn't met anyone on this planet whom he could consider his friend, despite the long years he'd spent here. This part of the planet was new to him, however, and he'd had hopes for something new.

"Hello." he said, his voice soft and almost delicate. His voice portrade him as some one very dependeant, though that wasn't entirely true. "I'm just waiting for something to happen. It is very boring around here sometimes." He'd actually also had the so far false hope that maybe a Vae would fall, and he'd be there. However, it didn't really matter that much to him... did it?

He noticed for the first time her Vae. he smiled slightly at it, though he couldn't tell if it realized he saw it.

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