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Date Posted: 02:29:45 08/02/04 Mon
Author: Mystery Deathsong, Tail Three Too Short.
Subject: Peace

The Dagaan female glided, skimming atop the wind with a creature in her arms. She took a good look around from her aerial view before making her landing.

Finally --- she was back in the Tri-System. Or Quad-System as it seemed it was now. Either way, she was home.

The calico furred beast stood quietly, large dark eyes drinking in the view... She was spend some time out here first, before venturing right into the city. The creature in her arms, however, was not nearly so silent. Chittering and squeaking like he was being held hostage, Tail Three Too Short nosed the air, eager to get back onto the ground to explore.
It was a bit difficult to see him actually --- if it wasn't for his squirming, and the racket he was making, he'd look like a rather large, clear glass figurine of a rat.

Chuckling silently, M.D. set down her companion.
"Don't venture too far, you pesky Its. As amusing as I'm sure it would be, I don't think I'll enjoy searching for you later. Okay Blur?"

Blur. A nickname, far easier than saying Tail Three Too Short every time. And it wasn't a nickname he received for no reason. Though Inflecto Transpecti (Its) are transparent, what's seen through them is warped due to their contours.
With this warping, and Tail Three Too Short's inability to sit still, he really did appear as an anomalis blur.

The rodent chittered, and then responded. "No move far. M.D. no move far?" He stretched up on his back legs, nose poking upwards, and his forelegs pawing at the air to help steady himself --- reaching to a height of about a foot and a half.

"I'll be by the tree whenever you get back. You're not the easiest to find -- try not to get too distrac--" The Dagaan broke off her sentence there though, as already something had got the Its eye and he was skittering off to investigate.

The warrior smiled lightly as he dashed off, full of energy -- as always. But, her attention turned to the tree... it was a massive thing, and it'd been quite some time since she'd been able to see a tree that large, so close to a thriving city. ..Well, perhaps what was once a thriving city, would be a better wording.
Unaware of the treasures it held, she walked up to it, a pale hand caressing the bark. The 6'11" beast glanced with all too avian eyes at the few others nearby before settling herself down against the Vae tree. She spread her silver wings out to either side of her, letting them relax. They were fair sized at about 20 feet from tip to tip.
With a small sigh, she rested her muzzle in one hand, trying to let herself relax. As a Dagaan, that was difficult for her -- but ever since that last war, it had been even more so.

Silent and lost in thought, her freehand gripped her most prized posession, a piece of Crazouli stone, suspended around her neck by a worn velvet cord.

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