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Date Posted: 21:07:17 08/03/04 Tue
Author: Random Vaes
Subject: Shmeeble...

At the great commotion that was occuring below them, multiple little muzzles peer out from the protective branches of the massive willow-like tree. Most retreat back to their arboreal sanctuary after deciding that no harm was going to come to their home.

Two, however, remain.

The first is a fairly large male with a wingspan of about ten feet, navy blue in coloration, with pale green stripes that arch in a continuous swirl around his lengthy body. A long low creel ripples melodiously from his jaws as his yellow eyes shine daringly in the direction of those below. In a swift dive, he arches downwards to land upon the ground... who will be the first to approach him?

The second is a huge female, her wings spanning an impressive 14 feet. Her hide is entirely black, with silver spots playing games about large orange patches on her legs and face. Her great green eyes glimmer with amusement as she follows the male quietly to the ground, her manner surprisingly elegant and serene for a Vae of her bulk. Who will choose her?

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