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Date Posted: 09:45:37 07/19/02 Fri
Author: All'ndar :: Dialor [Taivor,Tasanon,Amnis Ymbir,Mejin] /\ Niyt ::Versor [Aoru,Tayiti]
Subject: ::_::

All'ndar strolled in, followed by a rather large bronze Kilven. He blinked and stopped at the base of the tree, ering into its branches. Dialor regarded him blankly. Do you really think they'll come? te Kilven muttered, only to be ignored by his rider. "Taivor! Mejin!" All'ndar called softly, cupping a hand beside hs mouth. Soon enough, four flits answered the call and dropped from the tree. A flit of every color - excepting gold - covered the lad as h laughed happily. "There you guys are, it's been a onely trip without you."

A second boy swaggers in, followed by an equally quiet Kilven. The bronze and rider stopped behind All'ndar. Cocking an eyebrow to his Kilven, the bronze nodded and let out a sharp whistle. Two flits came hurdling out. "Welcome back, Aoru and Tayiti." Having recovered their flits, the riders and Kilven left.

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