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Date Posted: 18:21:13 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Skaton
Subject: Woohoo!!
In reply to: UnNamed Vae 's message, "Another Dropped" on 17:10:51 07/09/02 Tue

*The young man wanders out of a grove and sees the Vae Tree sitting in it's splendor, although oddness, with a lone Vae sitting beneath it. The first to find the Vae under the tree is supposedly it's owner so with a cheerfull grin he carefully approaches. They aren't tame creatures but very beautiful. This one was navy blue laced with silver. "Hello," the remark in itself sounded stupid and out of place but Skaton was unsure of what else to say. The Vae's powerful, long wings looked lovely in the evening light. "You sure are pretty," with hand extended he came closer to the vae, with a bit of worry that it would bite. Surprising Skaton, the vae licked his hand and then nudged it with his head. "Well, since no one else is here, I suppose I have you. But what should I name you?" The vae's gaze never left Skaton and it made him happy that the vae trusted him. "I'll call you Jaitu." The vae didn't seem to argue so they both headed off...*

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