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- Fashion Beauty Tips Online -- Salena Gomez, 11:44:49 02/11/12 Sat
Fashion Beauty Trends provides you most recent news of Celebrities and also gives you many solutions and tips of Latest Fashion of Dresses, hair, shoes, Makeup Tips, lips care, Eye care, face care and jewelry designs.We hope you will learn new tips of fashion and beauty.
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- Home base jobs -- Irfan, Shah, 11:55:18 02/01/10 Mon
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- Oni Kurayami -- Alana Hikari-chan, 14:22:31 12/28/04 Tue
Name: Oni Kurayami
Coin Used:"Mhmm. Well, I suppose that'll do. Here's a Winged Gargoyle Coin for you, then."
Characteristics Taken: Wings, Zelgadis-tough skin, strength
Current Description of Self:
He looks much like he did before, but his skin has taken a marble-grey cast; his eyes aren't quite so pure a crystal-blue; and he has beautifully elegant slate-grey draconic wings, ones that can fold closely to his back or streach to an impressive span of fifteen feet or so. Obviously, he can now fly-- although not very well, often choosing to ride Ressakor.
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- You asshole -- i was the original flowen, 20:12:39 09/21/04 Tue
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- I want to shift -- Cometer, 13:56:00 09/13/04 Mon
Name Cometer
Coin Used Zeybran
Characteristics taken monkey tail, centuarian apearance, and coloration on centuraian appearance
New Look like a centuar, with long blac hair, black monkey tail, and a black body. a few white stripes around the legs, but mainly black.
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- Shades of Alina -- Alina, 12:00:39 07/29/04 Thu
Name: Alina
Coin Used: Raven
Traits taken: Wings, darker color
Desc.: Alina's once yellow-gold skin takes on a greyish cast. Large, black raven wings burst from her back, able already to carry her in flight.
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- Shifts of Roseas -- Roseas, 11:54:08 07/29/04 Thu
Name: Roseas, already!
Coin used: Dragon (and not all dragons breathe fire, ok?)
Traits taken: Horns, wings, tail, acid breath.
Desc.: Roseas is now herself with large, twisted and forward-swept yellow-white horns, leathery, black wings, and a scaly black tail with a white barb on the end, scorpionlike, but not poisonous. Once in a while, she can summon up the strength to breathe forth an acidic mist.
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- Shifting to Escape... -- Zoled, 20:34:50 07/19/04 Mon
Name: Zoled
Coin Used: Wooley Mammoth
Characteristics Taken: Thicker fur (in certain areas), size, and sheer bulk.
Current Description of Self: After using this Coin to Shift, Zoled, already fairly large for his species of Olde Phia, has gained yet another three feet to his impressive frame. Golden fur has grown shaggy, thick, and rough around his head and chest, creating a mane of sorts, as well as around his paws. Finally, the once somewhat lanky cat has filled out, and bulked up. ^_^;;
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- Touch and Die -- Chelsea, 20:05:59 06/12/04 Sat
Name Chelsea
Coin used Winged Unicorn
Characteristics taken all
Current description of self White horse, mare, full grown, with black horn, blue mane and tail, white wings like a swans'.
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- Anzu Kohitori -- Alana Hikari-chan, 13:52:09 06/07/04 Mon
Note: Anzu used this coin pre-joining
Name: Anzu Kohitori
Coin Used: Phoenix Coin
Characteristics Taken: Lighter bones, wings (Red, orange, black, and gold plumage, ten foot span), ability to fly, an impossibly beautiful singing voice, tears that can heal almost any wound and cure most poisons, can absorb fire without being harmed, extended lifespan.
Current Description of Self: Looks like she did before, just with wings.
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- A shift -- Wingdrift, 16:52:32 04/29/04 Thu
Name Wingdrift
Coin used Pelican
Characteristics taken back feet the webbed of a pelican, and a pouch at the bottom of the mouth to scoop fish
Description Black wolf with large white feathered wings, a small lump at the bottom of the mouth that opens to a pouch when she opens her mouth, and her back feet are webbed bird feet.
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- Coinshifter Change -- tigerfox, 21:07:33 12/20/03 Sat
Name: TigerFlame
Coin Used: Arctic Wolf
Characteristics Taken: white color, speed, back legs, left ear, hearing
Current Description of Self: She is about the size of a german sheperd, with a 2 foot long shark tail. Her front left foot and head is that of a grey rat. Her front right foot is that of a black cat along with her right ear. Her body is an Arctic Wolf white, with pointy Wolf ears and fast back legs.
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- Rachel's shifting record -- Rachel, 21:23:06 10/18/03 Sat
This is really wierd... But... for the crazy cat lady...
coin used: Jaguar
Characteristics taken: Heavy musculature, eyes, long leaping, taurish lower body.
Current description of self: Same as before, but even more muscular, and able to leap about the length of an average house. Oh, one more thing. Rachel is now a Taur, with a Jaguar's lower body, paws, claws, tail and fur. The fur on her lower half is golden with black rosettes and a white underside. Her eyes have become feline, yellow with slitted pupils.
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- Shifting Record -- Irana Firestorm, 18:47:33 07/28/03 Mon
Name: Irana Firestorm
Coin Used: Phoenix
Characteristics Taken: Wings, fire abilities, being reborn from the ashes, and color
Current Description of Self:
Brown eyes turn into fiery orange. It looks as though flames jump around in her red eyes. Irana's whole body becomes a light red, and the hair darkens. Golden red feathered wings emerge from the shoulder blades. Fire seems to surround Irana. She grows profficient with the use of fire, and has the ability to make fire if needed. She cannot be burnt by fire, and if she is killed, she burst into flames and she can be reborn from the ashes, but only once.
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- Beginning the spastic Shifting of Phamiile. XD. -- Phamiile, 18:54:53 05/29/03 Thu
Name- Phamiile
Coin- Butterfly [XD]
Characteristics- Wings, antennae, gracefulness [if you know what I mean *G*], colouration
Description- Human shape basically retained. 6'5". Hair is now orange, black, and white with strange patterns, whole body marked in those same hues, perfectly symmeterical. His wings are like a Monarch butterfly, but white, and he now has two black antennae growing from the top of his head. Lower body remains the same.
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- Kalya's Record -- Kalya, 22:21:44 05/28/03 Wed
Name: Kalya
Coin Used: Shark
Characteristics Taken: Some of the rubbery skin, gills (allowing her to breathe underwater), teeth slightly sharpened.
Current Description of Self: Alright...Her face hasn't changed much, but she has some gills on the skin in-between her ears and cheekbones, which she keeps closed, barely traceable lines when she's not underwater. Her teeth are slightly sharpened, but it's hardly visible unless you're getting up close and personal with her mouth. Her arms start developing rubbery skin around her elbow, where her hands are webbed, allowing her for fin-like mobility underwater, but still giving her the ability to grasp things tightly on land.
(OOC: We just take one coin a month now, aright? Hope so. ^^ And hope this's okay.)
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- Kyroz's Record -- Kyroz, 16:04:02 05/26/03 Mon
Name: Kyroz
Coin Used: Ch'sha
Characteristics Taken: Fur, eyesight, sense of smell and ears/hearing.
Current Description of Self: A kinda wierd anthro thingy. Well, really he's a human with fur and antelope-like ears. His eyesight, hearing and sense of smell have improved.
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- Edduan's Record -- Edduan, 15:31:48 05/26/03 Mon
Name: Edduan
Coin Used: Winged lion
Characteristics taken: Head and mane, claws, tail, wings.
Current description of self: Mostly furless humanoid with a gold-furred lion's head, the flaming red hair has become a mane. The mane is still worn braided and decorated. Still humanlike eyes, still green. There are now retractable, black claws in place of fingernails, and the sword is still capable of being wielded effectively. Leonine tail is gold-furred with a red tuft. Feathered, iridescent wings with a mostly bloodred hue.
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- Shifting Record -- Siami, 14:50:27 04/21/03 Mon
Name: Siami
Coin Used: Tuna
Characteristics Taken: Scales and blue color
Current Description of Self:
She has loose wavy, banged dark brown hair, blue scales instead of skin, and narrow black eyes. She is of tall height and has a slender build.
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- shifting -- Flowen, 23:03:35 04/17/03 Thu
Coin Used:Cheetah
Characteristics Taken:speed, senses
Current Description of Self:fur(not fur color)
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- Mia Ship -- ara, 16:04:34 02/23/03 Sun
Coin Used: Gryphon Coin
Characteristics Taken:All
Current Description of Self: I'm a smallish owl/white ocelot gryphon, with ear tufts. :) Is that good?
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- Wessae's record -- Wessae, 22:13:27 02/22/03 Sat
Name: Wessae
Coin Used: Red Fox
Characteristics taken: Red fur, ears, tail, senses and reflexes.
Current description of self: A bit of a daintier human with sleek red fur that ends at the collarbone and whitens at the hands and feet which have kept to their sapien shape. A proportionately long fox tail with the characteristic white brush sprouts out, and large fox ears catch every sound. Now with quicker predatory reflexes and a bit more cunning.
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- Shalea's Record -- Shalea, 16:01:11 02/22/03 Sat
Name: Shalea
Coin Used: Winged Lion
Characteristics Taken: Wings, fur, legs/paws, claws, fangs, ears, sense of smell, tail, eyes
Current Description of Self: Basic human shape, Shalea is covered with short dark fur. She has a lion's haunches and long calves ending in deadly paws with retractable claws. Her back is bent due to her haunches, and she crawls rather than walks. It still possible to walk upright, but difficult balance-wise. Her face is much the same. Lantern orbs have replaced her sun-dependant eyes, and tuft ears have grown where human's ears were. Her senses of smell and hearing have been greatly updated, although her eyes in sunlight are now weak. Most obvious in this shift are the two great wings that fold against her back. They resemble a hawk's, but wider and longer. At least five feet, they almost out-grow the length of Shalea's body. A smaller change is the tufted tail sprouting from her lower back. The final changes are in her hands and mouth, where nails have sharpened to deadly claws and canines have sharpened to fangs. From her human shape, she still has her bald head and strong arms. Head shape has not changed, although the features upon it have. Her brown color has remained.
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- Shifting Record -- Koshi, 22:22:40 02/21/03 Fri
Name: Koshi
Coin Used: Winged Unicorn
Characteristics Taken: Horn, fur, color, ability to run on four legs, tail
Current Description of Self:
She is tall, covered in white fur, silver hair, horn out of forehead, has a silver tail, and wings.
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- Skivi's Record -- Skivi, 11:50:55 02/20/03 Thu
Name: Skivi
Coin Used: Peshin
Characteristics Taken: Fur color, fangs, sight, hearing, claws, wings and gills
Current Description of Self: Blue streaked hair, short muzzle with sharper, longer incisors. Not as longs as the sabor teeth of a Peshin, but considerable. They protrude slightly. Rust red colored wings with gill slits under the shoulder blades where they protrude. Her hands and feet are slightly more paw-like; her fingers are shorter with longer claws replacing her nails. Her toes are also shorter with long claws.
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- Shifting Record -- Rila, 12:15:36 02/15/03 Sat
Name: Rila
Coin Used: Dragon
Characteristics Taken:Teeth, color, scales, eyes, ridges, tail, muscle, claws, wings
Current Description of Self:
She has black scales covering her whole body. She has jet black hair and the whirling eyes of a dragon. She has draconic teeth, sharp and deadly. She has a four foot long tail and a ridge running from her head to the tip of her tail. She has huge draconic wings protruding from her shoulderblades.
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- My Record -- Aliyra, 22:31:35 01/13/03 Mon
Name: Aliyra
Coins Used: Lion
Current 'Look': Soft, very thin golden fur that matches her old skin color covers her body. Her teeth become pointed lion canines, you can see them a tiny bit poking out of her mouth. Her ears disappear, then reappear higher up, as a lion's. She grows a long, golden tail, with a darker tuft at the end. Finally Aliyra becomes taller and more muscular.
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- Shifting Record -- Jeleta, 21:18:10 11/24/02 Sun
Coin Used:Peshin
Characteristics Taken:Fin, wings, pouch, claws, fangs, fur,color
Current Description of Self: Humanoid, but just barely. She has two feathered wings on her sholders and a fin down her back. Tow thick fangs are on either side of her mouth, going down over her chin. Instead of nails she has thick white claws. She has a pouch in her stomach and fur. She is blue with the eyesight of an owl.
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- Shifting -- Millicent, 10:25:51 09/28/02 Sat
Name: Millicent
Coin Used: winged unicorn
Characteristics Taken: every thing
Current Description of Self
Her whole body becomes that of a winged unicorn. But she leaves her body covered in scales But the color of them has changed. Now the scales staring from the head are black and as they spread down the body they start to change to a dark blue then purple. Her mane and tale are dark green. Her wings too are mostly the same as the body. The top part of the wing are covered in feathers but the membrane is covered in scales. She does not change the forked tong,fangs, and hood of the cobra. A long ivory horn grows out of her forehead.
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- Fern's Record -- Fern, 23:00:23 09/12/02 Thu
Name: Fern
Coin Used: Gnat
Characteristics Taken: Wings, antennae, extra limbs, blood sucking abilities
Current Description of Self: Humanoid body, long, translucent veined wings pressed vertically to her back, fuzzy black antennae arching from the top of her forehead, viciously sharpened teeth able of sucking blood, two extra arms protruding just below her ribs.
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- Channa's Shifting Record -- Channa, 14:03:02 09/08/02 Sun
Name: Channa
Coin Used: Antelope
Characteristics Taken: Fur/coloring, senses, ears, running speed (when on all fours)
Current Description of Self: A leanly-muscled human with golden-brown fur, white on stomach, and white-black striped on legs, arms, and face. She kept her shoulder-length, straight black hair and bright blue eyes though. She has excellent eyesight and sense of smell, as well as the long antelope-ears to go with her good hearing. She can go on her hind legs or all fours, though this isn't overly apparent in her looks.
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- Shifting -- Millicent, 20:56:02 08/22/02 Thu
Name: Millicent
Coin Used: Cobra
Characteristics Taken: Skin,Hood,Fang,venom, and forked tong
Current Description of Self: Tall with long dark hair in a braid. Skin of a Cobra. When mad or threatened a hood like a Cobra's streches out of her head and fangs full of venom appear.
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- J'dan's CoinShifting Record -- J'dan, 18:09:02 08/22/02 Thu
Name: J'dan
Coin Used: Utahraptor
Characteristics Taken: Height, eyes, feet, claws, tail
Current Description of Self: He kept the form of a human, mostly. His eyes grew larger on his face, he grew taller, and his feet changed to that of a Utahraptor: a slashing claw for each foot, that can be raised up to help running, but that can also be moved out, so that a kick forward could be quite dangerous. Half a moment later, he also aquired the stiff tail of a Utahraptor, which helps one keep their balance when they kick out with the claws on their feet.
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- Kiara's Record -- Kiara, 06:25:26 08/15/02 Thu
Coin Used:Dolphin
Characteristics Taken: The abilities to swim under water well, swim without breathing, dolphin head but kept human nose, blowhole, added mental compasity.
Current Description of Self: Two legged, two armed, walks upright, has dolphin head and blowhole. Sense are sound, sight,touch, smell taste. Can use echolocation.
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- Jabari's record -- Jabari, 05:26:45 07/14/02 Sun
Name: Jabari
Coin Used: Maned wolf
Characteristics Taken: Fur, lanky build, sence of hearing, sence of smell.
Current Description of Self: Walks on lanky canine-esque back legs with a tail for balance. Arms and torsoe less bulky. Large canine ears, nose closer to that of a maned wolf then that of a human. Body covered by reddish fur with black bits on the arms and legs & has a dark mane on his neck.
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- Azani's Record -- Azani, 16:28:29 07/12/02 Fri
Name: Azani
Coin Used: Artic Wolf
Characteristics Taken: Ears, Tail, Eyesight, Hearing, Sense of Smell, Fangs/Teeth(?), Claws
Current Description of Self: Still mainly human, but with white wolfish ears and a wolf tail, her fingers are shorter and have claws instead of fingernails. She also posesses the wolf's keen eyesight, sense of smell and hearing.
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- Emer's Record -- Emer-player, 22:53:58 07/11/02 Thu
Name: Emer
Coin Used: Albatross
Characteristics Taken: wings, gold-ish head mark, longer neck, graceful-ness, flight ability
Current Description of Self: Not much different from before really, Emer now has a very large pair of wings, dark charocal gray in a large, vaguely oval shape in the center, framed by white on the overwings. Her underwings are randomly patterned with dark gray. About an inch below her hairline, and about that wide, there is a circle in a shade reminiscent of an egg-yolk. Her neck has also lengthened considerably, making her slightly taller.
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- A'rak's record -- A'rak, 22:53:37 07/11/02 Thu
Name: A'rak
Coin used: Dilophosaurus
Characteristics taken: Ability to spit and inject blinding venom, predatory quickness/reflexes, toe-claws, eyesight, some skin, and the moveable head-crest.
Current Description of self: Still basically human, upright but with large sharp claws protruding at the ankles and bright green/red skin on the undersides of the forearms and across the neck and cheeks. Eyes are reptilian looking but still blue, and when desired, a bright red crest erupts from both sides of the neck, descending back in seamlessly. Slightly more agile and lithe looking.
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- K'shi's Record -- K'shi, 17:08:55 07/11/02 Thu
Name: K'shi
Coin Used: Swordfish
Characteristics Taken: Colouration for hair, swimming ability, part of agression.
Current Description of Self: Hair is now a metallic purple.
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- ~!@#$%^&*()_+ -- Kain, 18:40:48 07/09/02 Tue
Kain Ragnorok
-Coin Used-
-Characteristics Taken-
Tail, scales, feet/hands, coloration[vaguely], part of the nocturnalism so she can move freely in either setting.
-Current Description of Self-
Take the basic human form. Elongate the feet greatly and add more gecko-like ones. Take the hands, make them bigger, take one finger and gecko them up a bit, with the lamallae and setae work on the palms, as well as her toes, for climbing vertical walls. Fun. Put scales on the cheeks, forehead, stomach, upper arms and thighs, wrists and ankles, tail, and all down the back. Turn the scales shades of dark brown, dark gray, and black. Make the skin a bit grayer than it was, and there we go.
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- Arili's Record -- Arili, 20:28:07 07/03/02 Wed
Name: Arili
Coin Used: Panda
Characteristics Taken:
Climbing ability
Current Description of Self:
6 feet tall, two hundred and seventy five lbs. and musculer
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- Rowan's Record -- Rowan, 13:47:54 07/03/02 Wed
Name: Rowan
Coin Used: Winged Unicorn
Characteristics Taken: Wings, horn, mane, white coloring, some personality (actions, feelings)
Current Description of Self: Human body wearing white clothing, large feathered wings, a white spiral horn, long white hair casscading down her back.
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- Tykki's Record -- Tykki, 23:20:36 07/01/02 Mon
Name: Tykki
Coin Used: Hippogriff
Characteristics Taken: All Characteristics except mind.
Current Description of Self: A large red-brown creature with the head of a hawk, feathered wings, and fore-legs ending in black-clawed paws. Her hind legs and tails however are equine, with black hooves and black tail. Human mental-capacity, with strengthen bird-like eye sight.
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- Zunar's Record -- Zunar, 22:54:40 07/01/02 Mon
Name: Zunar
Coin Used: Protoceratops
Characteristics Taken: Hooves tipping toes, leathery skin, eyesight/eyes.
Current Description of Self: Humanlike with tough, black, pebbled skin, small hard hooves instead of fingernails, and large, bright blue, keen eyes.
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