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Date Posted: 20:34:19 06/14/04 Mon
Author: Phamiile
Subject: Continuing the spastic Shifting of Phamiile, Part IV.
In reply to: Phamiile 's message, "Continuing the spastic Shifting of Phamiile, Part III." on 01:59:40 08/02/03 Sat

Sorta revamping him a bit.. Ehe..

Name- Phamiile
Coin Used- Chipmunk
Traits Taken- Stripes, cheek pouches (XD), senses of sight and hearing
Current Description- Hmmm.. XD;.. Humanoid torso is connected to an equine body - like a centaur. Both are extremely graceful and slender. The equine legs have cloven hooves of a golden colour, as well as thick, heavy, Shire-styled feathering that betrays the elegant grace of the unicorn coin. This equine body is snowy white with perfectly symmetrical markings of black and orange and crimson red down the sides, arranged into five prominent stripes - lengthwise down the body - with faded gold and tawny bands circling the lengthy limbs. The tail is two-fold - the most stunning piece is the heavy shark's tail, still covered in the equine fur and the same colouration, but proportionally large and enabling a speedy and graceful swimming. The stripes are perpetuated up his human torso and all meet at the nape of his neck. This torso is also furred and has the same hues as everywhere else. His human arms are long and graceful. Digits have detractable webbing between them and each is set with a short, bluntish talon. The skin of the forearms seems leathery and there is a shock of scarlet feathers surrounding each elbow. Gills upon spry neck - able to be easily clamped shut and allow normal, nostril breathing to occur. Face is stunningly human, excepting the golden horn that spirals magnificently from his forehead, though he now has an enhanced sence of sight and an incredibly enhanced sence of smell. His ears are equine and flicky, tufted. The hair is very manelike in nature. In total, it is about shoulder-length hair that is attached to his spine, all the way to the small of his human back. It's pretty solidly black, but with strips of scarlet and orange and golden. A pair of antennae arch from high up on his skull, curled forth and advancing his sence of perception and touch. Then come the wings - great enough to support his entire body in flight, they are butterfly-like in the fact that there are two connected pairs of actual wings. They are built more avian, however. The joints of the larger upper pair are down upon his human waist, and those of the smaller lower set are where his hips would be - the equine shoulders. While the external appendages aren't linked, the musculature holds the wings aligned together when not in flight, flaring them respectively forth and backwards when in flight. Phamiile can see very simply in infrared and can see the basic energy fields that organisms give off, thanks to the shark coin.

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