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Date Posted: 00:19:08 01/26/16 Tue
Author: nath
Subject: behind closed doors...

(just wrote this... a special thought for Grant who loved to write poems... Rip... remains in our heart.)

behind closed doors, behind closed doors
behind a door, 4 walls, do you know what's going on
do you know what's going on, many people a mask worn
behind a wall a child's innoncence that an adult stole,
trust destroyed by someone whose protector role
as been removed, someone who gave life
or a teacher, a boss, a buddy, no more
able to be trustable, a child whose adult's life is destroyed
a life in pieces, years and years for a Rebuilding
a Trauma which follows life, days & nights, all along
wounds and scars are inside and out'

are you sure of what's going on...
behind the 4walls and those closed doors
near you, near your home or in your own
people you see everyday, school, sport, work
someone in your own family or your neighbours
here some of the signs: constant criticism, threats,
rejection, failure to provide the basic children's needs
humiliation, punching, beating, kicking, bitting, burning, shaking,
behavior or knowledge that's inappropriate,
blood, burn, scars, changes in behaviours, bruise,
avoidance of certain situations, gesture, acts, a hand, a simple kiss
which seems tender from a mother but isnt it an inappropriate place?

it happenned and still happens to many in this world
those words to say it can happen to you, in your fam' or your neighbours
your friends, because it happenned to many of my friends & it happened to me
im a Survivor, please dont turn away your eyes, with those words
i allow you to see my scars, all in the fam through years wore a mask
even after several attempts, anorexia, self destruction times
more than 10years and they will never realize , several acts
several things done and said, left forever scars in my life
some things so dirty that even shower's water can't wash..
so, here those words to let you think, to let you know...

are you sure of what's going on behind closed doors...
behind the 4walls and those closed doors
near you, in your fam, home or neighbours..
stranger danger is a false concept
90% of child abuses know their abuser...
"This is an important and universal subject-
children are everywhere, victims are everywhere,
parents are everywhere, but so are abusers." perfectly said
by Tim Roth in Alexander Stuart's (The War Zone)novel
in the afterword part, a great bonus by the way.

Many movies, docu about this so important subject
The War Zone, the invisible war, short term 12, Confession film,
Lauren youtube mini serie, , the hunting ground, After the promise,
spotlight, Despues de Lucia, Twist of faith by Kirby Dick,
Mea maxima culpa silence in the house of God, Precious, Polisse,
the magdalene sisters, "Je suis à l'heure", and with Marina Foïs "Darling"
and "Til it happens to you" by Lady Gaga poignant clip.

So, yep abuses are everywhere, everywhere...
like the last scene of The War Zone
the bunker is here in the landscape,
as abuses in our society we can see them
if we take the time to open the eyes,
near us, home, neighbours... if we turn a bit the head
if you see something please react, stand up and help
it’s a scream from my heart please stand up and help
you don’t know how it feels and courage and strength
it takes to break the silence and to escape
especially when the abuser is someone of your own family
someone near you is probably in an unsecure place
i recommend you to watch the video #Whowillyouhelp

are you sure of what's going on near to you,
in your own family, or at neighbours'
behind closed doors, behind those 4 walls
children, women, guys, someone is suffering right now
in silence behind those walls, behind those closed doors
someone shutted in silence by someone pretended to love
in the own family, uncle, aunt, grd, cousins, bro, sis' or genitors

someone's life in few sec/min, will never be the same
but those words to say you who are reading this,
who lived or actually live this situation, you are Never alone..
few words but... Hold on, stay strong and brave...
Two quotes which helped me and still daily...
"Things happen to you in your life, but you don't want to
consider yourself to be a victim you want to be a Survivor
and the first thing that helps you do that and helps you get through
it is speaking and finding your voice." (without it i wont be alive today
and wont have found the Survivor's way)
and "the arm of the abuser is a long one, so cut the fu*ker off!"
(without it i wont have cut with the origin of my abuses/Trauma).
as the movie 127 hours, the only way to escape, to Survive
to cut the arm with the origin of the Trauma

Take care you, who lives this situation, wherever you are.
It may take time but Your Voice will be precious for many
You all reading this, are you sure of what's going on

what's going on near to you... behind those doors
in your own family, or at your neighbours'
behind closed doors, behind those4walls...

a deep special thanks to Amelie, David Tait, Kori, Kamillah, Robbie
and all the others from the hunting ground and the invisible war
And above all my protective wings*(Zne): precious blessings in my life
(*my 2mentors included) each a precious puzzle part in my life
in my life and in my heart that we can't replace.

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