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Date Posted: 16:34:24 09/01/15 Tue
Author: nath
Subject: Pics, Quotes etc about Surviving...

Hope it will help you too... if you want to share some quotes, pics, docus etc that help you, feel free...

Some quotes:
"Things happen to you in your life, but you don't want to consider yourself to be a victim, you want to be a Survivor" (without this quote i wont be alive today, it saved me physicaly + shown me the Survivor's way. The quote is forever with me, tattooed on my skin). Full: ''Things happen to you in your life, but you don't want to consider yourself to be a victim - you want to be a survivor and the first thing that helps you do that and helps you get through it is speaking and finding your voice.''

"the arm of the abuser is a long one, so cut the fu*ker off!" (without this quote i wont have cut with the origin of my Trauma and abuse.)

"stay strong and circle the wagons".

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Kahlil Gibran
"You're not a victim. You're a miracle. You have precious life, and its magnificent. Keep that in mind, and live it accordingly" Ralph Marston
"Guilt can be a killer" (from Dexter), when we survive in the early time we have a feeling of guilt and if we let it controling us it can destroy us, this quote perfectly represents it.

Movies/series/docu i Deepkly recommend, about surviving/Survivors.

Some pics i love, enjoy:
The last scene of The War Zone: perfect to represent abuses in the society,,,: the bunker is in the landscape it's not in front of our eyes but if we turn a bit the head/eyes it's visible, as the abuses in our society, it's not in front of people's eyes but just by looking around it's here, more often than people can imagine.

The nike dart 9 have a "support zone" on it: Pic here. To walk well daily.

Also i love lighthouses pictures, to keep the safe good cape whatever the weather. Alex (Alexander Stuart) loves to share videos of harbors on twitter/Instagram etc...

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