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Sometimes A Girl Needs A Spanking II
Continuation of http://www.voy.com/214955/

Subject Author Date Msgs
GASP 2025Berryblue17:16:03 03/26/25 Wed3
Fake USDT Generator Tool Fasthubtrade17:12:51 03/26/25 Wed1
Implements rankingAnna14:38:05 03/26/25 Wed5
Spankable offensesLouise Vancisic Vancisic11:59:28 03/26/25 Wed22
Dance Routine?Marcey11:47:41 03/26/25 Wed12
Corner time after a spankingJan11:44:10 03/26/25 Wed7
focus Spankerk14:33:16 03/24/25 Mon1
If you witnessed, what did you focus on?Marcey09:02:47 03/23/25 Sun35
Maddie ... Re: Enema use with spanking or without for well being ?Mork and Mindy13:36:36 03/22/25 Sat18
my new article on controlling teensJillian Anne Walker11:02:48 03/22/25 Sat1
Bottom Odor and CleanlinessLurkerAsks05:47:38 03/22/25 Sat4
College SpankingPat09:17:34 03/21/25 Fri45
Student renter spankingsCatherine01:12:40 03/21/25 Fri13
Message from ShelbyEmmie Sue05:16:19 03/18/25 Tue9
ModestyLaura8218:51:18 03/17/25 Mon27
PantiesEmmie Sue08:48:49 03/16/25 Sun22
Things I don’t understand…Grumpy20:08:00 03/15/25 Sat2
Put back over the kneeGrumpy08:57:02 03/15/25 Sat4
Role playing a school paddlingJan13:06:24 03/14/25 Fri6
Puffy eyesKarin_ven10:36:01 03/14/25 Fri15
enemas for punishmentJulie08:59:39 03/14/25 Fri25
Spanking throught the agesMarcey19:32:38 03/12/25 Wed20
Do you or did you masturbate after a punishment spankingSarah09:51:54 03/12/25 Wed24
New hereJan14:33:11 03/10/25 Mon8
Being a good spankeeJan22:38:10 03/09/25 Sun4
MirrorsJD Winchester16:18:13 03/09/25 Sun13
Facebook Discussion BoardJD Winchester01:31:16 03/09/25 Sun1
Archives: 12345678910 ]

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Nose in the corner, young lady!
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