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Subject: Re: Videos

JenniAnn to Robert
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Date Posted: 08:54:22 12/12/23 Tue
In reply to: Robert to Jenni Ann 's message, "Re: Videos" on 07:02:35 12/12/23 Tue

I would say I probably reminded more of a 6-year old than a 16-year old when getting the hairbrush over mom's knees. I was more hollering like a banshee. With respect to how I looked at that time I believe I had a smaller waist but a larger and more jiggly behind. I think the reacts like I do today when getting a punishment spanking from hubby but back then I was howling my head off.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

Robert to JenniAnn
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Date Posted: 09:48:20 12/12/23 Tue

Dear JenniAnn,
I see. Is the hairbrush in the video similar to what was used on you? The paddle used on my niece covers both sides at once.
From the couple times I have been present I would say that Pam's reaction is very close to what you describe. I guess I would ask what 16-year-old having her buttocks blistered with a hairbrush or paddle would not scream like a banshee.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

JenniAnn to Robert
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Date Posted: 08:15:21 12/16/23 Sat

I remember mom's hairbrush being bigger. She actually used separate hairbrushes for me and sis. One larger than the other, she used the largest one on me as I had the bigger behind.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

Robert to Jenni Ann
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Date Posted: 11:17:14 12/16/23 Sat

Dear Jenni Ann,
Were you self consience about the fact that the larger brush was being used on you? The paddle used on Pam covers both sides of her buttocks with each swat. Even though yours was larger would it still be one cheek at a time.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

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Date Posted: 02:11:58 12/19/23 Tue

Yes, I was very self conscious about this. You are making way to much references to your niece for my taste. Her uncle shouldn't talk about the size of her behind, less about her spankings. If I had suspected my uncle did this I would have died.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

Robert to JenniAnn
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Date Posted: 10:30:59 01/05/24 Fri

Dear JenniAnn,
I just found this post. I have been away over the holidays and just got back. I just posted a message to Lot that you probably won't like if you read it. Dumb for me to even call your attention to it but you would see it and probably open it up anyway.
About your comment. Yes, you are right. I probably do reference Pam's spankings way to much. However, this is a spanking forum and I assume everyone on here has a larger than average interest in spanking.
Let me just say that the last thing in this world I would ever do is anything to hurt Pam. Yes, she is very sensitive to the fact that she is spanked at her age just as you were. I can also assure you with 100% certainty that no one in our family meaning , sis, BIL or Pam know anything about this forum or that I post here. I should also mention that for the very reason of my interest in spanking I have purposely never witnessed one of Pam's spankings when she was being disciplined while I happened to be at the house. Yes, I heard but never saw.
I would venture to guess that these forums were not around when you were growing up so your uncle would not have the opportunity to discuss your spankings anyway. So, I assume he knew you and your sis were spanked. I openly admit that I have a very keen interest in this topic or I would not be here.
I'm also sorry that the way your parents carried out your spankings led to the poor relationship you have with them now. I don't sense that happening with Pam and her parents but I cannot promise you otherwise either. As an adult have you ever approached your parents and discussed your feelings about how you were spanked? Does your sis feel the same way? Again, I am very sorry for how this turned out for you. However by your own words you did state that your spankings growing up led to the type of relationship you now have with hubby which you stated as a positive thing. BTW just to let you know I do very much enjoy talking with you. If I didn't I would not have bothered to respond here.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Videos

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Date Posted: 03:43:21 01/15/25 Wed

Yeh that spanking was wimpy and weak ,my dad spanked my sister 50 times harder than that ,what a joke

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