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Subject: Re: True Story

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Date Posted: 14:45:24 08/25/24 Sun
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "Re: True Story" on 07:33:44 07/29/24 Mon

Interesting, I've had a similar experience many years ago. I had a paper route. Would walk from house to house and sometimes hear, what to my ears sounded like screams, coming out of the houses. These didn't sound like the usual tantrums. But kind of like screams of pain. But I live in a place where corporal punishment isn't considered acceptable for a long time now. So I could've just been overthinking or something like that.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: True Story

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 09:24:57 08/26/24 Mon

Hmmm. Did you hear any spanking? Did you hear anything like a smack before the screams? Were they screams like in a horror film or just like "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I mean it could have been somebody beeing abused or something. That's really weird. Did it happen every time you passed the house? Maybe it was the television?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: True Story

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 09:35:07 08/26/24 Mon

When I walk around my college town and walk passed the student rental houses sometimes I swear I hear sounds like a spanking happening. Probably not. It's probably somebody watching sports or something. Probably just my imagination. One time when I was a freshman there was this girl in one of my classes who lived in one of those houses and I swear sometimes she sat uncomfortably in her chair and I swear a couple time I saw her rub her butt. Again, probably my imagination.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: True Story

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Date Posted: 17:59:02 08/26/24 Mon

We're both probably overthinking because this subject fascinates us. In my case, I admit not with the greatest pride, I'm obsessed with it. It is likely in your case though, since apparently it is a more accepted practice where you live, or so I've been told. You might not be actually overthinking as much. While in my case I probably do.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: True Story

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Date Posted: 17:45:27 08/26/24 Mon

Long post coming ahead, sorry!

Since it was a while ago, some exact details are gone from my memory. While I could hear screams and cries, I do not remember if I've heard clear smacking sounds. These houses are all concrete and brick and smacking might not be loud enough to reach the outside. The encounters themselves though, I still remember clearly.

It didn't happen every time, no. I only had the route for a year and I hated it. Just reached the age you're allowed to do those simple jobs then. I'm in my twenties now. That whole year, the encounters were at three separate houses.

The first was the one I remember and intrigued me the most. I was walking from house to house. These are row houses. When I approached this one in the middle. I swear I could hear these screams from girls coming from upstairs. The screams went something like: "Ahhh... Papa! Papa! Ahhh...". To my teenage, and may I add, already punishment obsessed mind, that was the scariest shit I've heard that day or possibly week. And those sounds kept me thinking for a long while after. Now you may be thinking those girls may have just hurt themselves and their father was upstairs comforting them or something like that. It does not end there. You see the houses here are built in an interesting manner. The living room windows are gigantic. I've been told it has something to do with the 'Calvinist heritage' of this country. Basically nosy Calvinists wanted to be able to look into your house. Ironic considering I live in a quite Catholic region. Like a nosy Calvinist. I just quickly glanced into the living room from the front door. There I locked my eyes with a woman sitting on the couch with her laptop. She was frozen, and looked at me in an awkward manner. And I was looking awkwardly back as well. We were having eye contact for a solid couple of seconds. Nothing more. Then I left. Now my thinking is. If the girls were just hurt, and father was comforting them. Why wasn't the mother there with them? Why is she sitting there alone on the couch looking like I was death itself, arriving at her doorsteps? I don't know. That must be the overthinking part I mentioned earlier.

I was never 100% sure if any punishment was going on in this household. But back then it kept me thinking for a while. I actually even encountered the father two or three times after that, in the neighborhood. But we never talked other than a polite "Hello" with a smile. The man himself actually looked like a very kind man to me.

The second encounter is the most boring one and I remember the least. It was at this big house with its own garage. Not a row house. Again there were 'sounds of pain' coming from upstairs. It did sound like maybe some kind of whooping was happening there. But other than that I had no clear idea what was going on. I did mention this specific encounter to a classmate once. We're both not natives of the country. And told him that I thought some type of abuse must've been going on there. He then replied to me: "Isn't it normal that parents smack sometimes?" to which I firmly answered "No! It isn't!".

The third encounter was the creepiest. No kids were involved here thankfully. It was this separate and a bit secluded house. It was evening and dark, late in the year. I approached this house and could hear a voice coming from the side of it. "Ow...". Not a loud "Ow!" but more of a standard "Ow...". And then it happened again some 10 seconds later. And again. It was quite consistent. The voice was of an adult woman, probably past her thirties. Immediately my mind was thinking. "What is going on here?". I must add. Even back then I was already aware of this thing called bdsm. So my mind kind of turned there quickly. I must've remained there in the dark, for a minute. Waiting to catch one "ow..." after another. But then left because it creeped me out and I didn't want someone to see me. Quick side note then I finish this post. Before Christmas, I rang the bell of that last house. It's a stupid custom here where if you do a paper route, you can ring the bell to wish them a merry Christmas and they may give you some pocket money if they want. Don't know if they do it elsewhere. When the door opened. I saw this old, scary looking tall man answering the door. He looked at me and before I even opened my mouth. He said "No" and closed the door. Just like that. I always got the creeps when I approached this house.

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