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Subject: Re: True Story

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Date Posted: 09:23:13 09/24/24 Tue
In reply to: Tina 's message, "True Story" on 10:20:41 07/25/24 Thu

Thinking about this a bit more it could also be led by the college aged daughter independently if she felt she needed it or at least the threat of it to help her perform at school. I think she'd have to feel really comfortable though and trust the landlady to venture into that type of discussion.

Sometimes it's easy to think about but a tough place to go to with someone you don't know that well.

Now if she knew that the landlady was a spanker either by hearing her spank one of her kids or from conversation with the landlady then it becomes an easier place to go to conversation wise.

I thought about this scenario myself (a lot) when I was renting a basement apartment at university, although it didn't cross my mind until I overheard the landlady spank her 10 year old daughter in the kitchen for a poor math grade at report card time. A few days earlier I flunked an economics mid-term and believe me as I was listening to the 10 year old get it I was thinking Vicky you should really be next in line up there.

I never did bring the topic up though, too awkward.

My previous post is though a more likely and common scenario I think.

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[> Subject: Re: True Story

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Date Posted: 10:42:13 11/25/24 Mon

I don't know about student rentals and a "house mother" as such, but I have no doubt it does happen. If I were renting out rooms to female college students, there would be serious rules and no partying. I'd not rent to guys because on day 2 you can be sure a keg would show be showing up lol. I remember those days myself.

I have been a mentor and disciplinarian and I use a review system, or whatever will work best for the young lady in question. I have worked with two college students in the past, one 19 and the other 20 at the time. This was about 6 years ago. This is not a fake story and I assure you, there are older teenagers (>18) and 20's that are still spanked and for who spanking does work. Most are not spanked and it certainly may not work for all. It's not the solution for every issue by any means, and in my experience it's a lot more about love and caring, and quality time listening and giving feedback.

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