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Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 13:41:59 10/08/24 Tue
In reply to: Karen for wondering supportive 's message, "Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students" on 13:25:27 10/08/24 Tue

How old is your boyfriend and is he strapped the same way you are, bent over with shirt on?

You mentioned that you would use a strap if your spouse if you marry wanted to use one. Would you also spank in other ways or just either with the paddle or strap? And how does it make you feel knowing he is strapped, either excitement or sympathy?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

Karen for wondering supportive
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Date Posted: 14:41:39 10/08/24 Tue

He is 18 he can keep his shirt on by his dad bent over his desk his younger sisters the same way . We got engaged over the summer but we promised both parents to wait til we graduate college . He goes to the same college it is a Christian College so no coed dorms we see each other at the commons on breaks between classes . When the are old enough he would do most of the spanking . I feel a little of both of excitement and sympathy he is the same way . It is a long split tail strap also called a tawse it splits in two on the part the hits the bottom making it hurt more . His dad keeps it oiled to keep the leather from drying out

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 14:51:44 10/08/24 Tue

If you had the choice, would you want to watch your boyfriend getting the tawse or have him watch you? I ask because you expressed some excitement when you have either heard about it and or thought about it?

Will he be a spanking parent like you and does he too accept that the strappings help to keep his misbehaviors in line.

Do you two share with each other when your disciplined and if so who gets punished the most and what if any is the usual reason?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

Karen for wondering supportive
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Date Posted: 15:29:32 10/08/24 Tue

I would not choose to watch him get strapped or him watch me get paddled . We are both devout Christians I heard him getting strapped once i was in third family room to watch the movie with thier family room he was was in his parents bedrooms getting strapped he came out crying we were both 16 at the time . We get it about the same and not often his younger sisters and my younger sisters get it more . He is as pro spanking as me and will make a good husband and father . The last paddling I got was for a parking ticket his was a few fridays ago for insisting his mom do his laundry he continued after being told to stop and do his own laundry so his dad strapped him

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 16:08:36 10/08/24 Tue

Did you feel sorry for him or did he clearly insult his mother? In which case, perhaps you thought he earned it? When it is a little kid and they are pleading for no more licks and their plaintive crying is answered with more and sometimes harder spanks, it is hard not to feel for them. Especially when you know all too well how much it stings.

Did he overhear your last one, the one for a parking ticket? Did he sympathize or return the favor and say You earned it!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

Karen for Alfred
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Date Posted: 08:32:04 10/09/24 Wed

He defended was over the line and deserved the strapping we are engaged now and he said he would do the same thing if a child of ours insult me . He did not hear my last spanking but he knows all about because we talk about it .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

Alfred22 for Karen
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Date Posted: 12:44:48 10/11/24 Fri

What do you think you will use as a spanking mom? The paddle or a spanking strap? Will you use whatever your husband prefers? Which do you think would be the better choice?

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