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Subject: Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?

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Date Posted: 12:00:52 10/15/24 Tue
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?" on 06:22:19 10/15/24 Tue

Not sure if i would like to keep the forum updated or share more after the comments i got ...

I thought i was in a tolerant forum here, maybe am i not..

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?

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Date Posted: 12:20:41 10/15/24 Tue

Please do continue to update us, OK? Most of us are friendly; ignore the others as they don't contribute to a real conversation in a viable way. We ARE interested in what is going on with you; It's unique and interesting.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?

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Date Posted: 14:05:56 10/15/24 Tue

What intolerant comments? I thought VoR gave a pretty reasonable assessment. But unlike him,I know one person who was paddled by her parents at your age. She had flunked out of college and got in a lot of trouble. Her parents bailed her out and put her on a "tough love" regime, which included some corporal punishment. It started when she was nineteen/twenty and moved home. I am not sure how long it lasted, but I think at least until she was twenty-two and went back to a four year college and later veterinarian school.

But this was in the early seventies, when spanking was MUCH more accepted. Nonetheless this was certainly not advertised. I think she only told me because she knew her mother had told my mom.

I have never heard of another case except in forums like this. But I am sure it goes on. I don't know how much. But it is not something that is going to be shouted from the rooftops. It is certainly not considered "normal" by society in general. And I believe you know that.

But I think on this forum you are very much welcome, and certainly not far out or "weird".

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?

VoR to Ines
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Date Posted: 17:58:11 10/15/24 Tue

You presented a situation and asked if it was normal. Most responses here will be to encourage you to submit to your parents, and ask you to keep them updated because they like hearing about women or girls getting spanked. That's cool in a forum created for this kind of talk. Others will want to steer the conversation to what they are into, like enemas or whatever. Some of us will simply try to answer your question honestly, as in contributing to a real conversation. Bottom line, it's all people showing an interest.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Do you think it's normal or weird ?

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Date Posted: 04:56:48 10/16/24 Wed

Ines, I think you need to distinguish between punishment spanking and fun spanking between consenting adults. I've had very little experience of the former, but plenty of the latter. I can only repeat what the first lady I ever met in a 1-1 situation said to me. After we'd finished, I asked her if she thought we were weird to be doing this. She replied "of course not, it's the others who are weird, they don't know what they're missing!" I've never forgotten that.

Of course, with people like Maddie, Emmie Sue or Aunt Nat and their situations, the dividing line between punishment and fun becomes rather fuzzy. Surely, as long as no third party is being hurt, then it can be considered normal by the people concerned.

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