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Subject: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 11:11:00 11/01/24 Fri

Did any of you get a spanking many years after what you thought was your last time? One 18-year old wrote in a letter to the editor in the 1940s, “I forgot how much it could burn.” What memory(s) came back if after several years unspanked? Was it the embarrassing over the knee position, the feel of a parent’s thighs in your tummy, your head and legs dangling down , wondering after your skirt went up if your parties might be coming down, trying to remember how long spankings lasted? Anything else?

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[> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 12:25:59 11/01/24 Fri

When I was 19 was living at home while going to college I violated curfew so dad gave me 12 swats with the belt my last spanking I earned before that was when I was 17 also for curfew violation I also forgot how much it hurt I cried . I should have known my little sisters have been spanked during that time I heard the spanking saw them come downstairs from their bedrooms crying

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[> [> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 20:49:45 11/01/24 Fri

I got one when I was 17 years 9 months approx., as I got a ticket for speeding in a school zone. The school was in the middle of nowhere and I was busy chatting away with a friend.

I said to my friend why is he pulling me over I'm only going 55. Then she tells me Vicky I think I saw a 30 mph sign a little while ago.

Noooo! I said, thinking of my older brother who had been spanked years earlier for speeding.

I had vowed that I wouldn't let that happen to me.

Well I got it bare bottom with the bathbrush and prior to that I hadn't been spanked for at least a year.

My older sister Bianca got one too after we all thought her spanking days were over. That one was fun (for me anyhow) I posted about it months ago. The one I got was not.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 10:06:05 11/02/24 Sat

Vicky if you don’t mind answering, how did the spanking unfold? How did the parent find out about the ticket, did it happen right away, were you over a lap, etc.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 14:07:26 11/02/24 Sat

Well Grumpy I thought about trying to pay the ticket and not tell anybody but then there would be the problem of the increased insurance premiums and having to think for 4 months or so about will I be busted.

I was also the youngest of 4 and 5 and and half or so years earlier I witnessed my brother getting a spanking for a speeding ticket and the thing about my parents is they were consistent I knew I was in for the same if I confessed.

I knew though that 4 months of thinking about will I get busted or not when the insurance bill comes out would torture me though so I dropped my friend off at her place and confessed and showed mom my ticket.

Yes it happened right away in the kitchen bare bottom over the knee with hand and bath brush. It was not witnessed by siblings that was an advantage of being the youngest, most of my teen ones I had were unwitnessed unlike my older siblings.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 13:58:45 11/02/24 Sat

I swear red light cameras have caused more red bottoms than anything else

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[> Subject: Re: New spanking brings back old memories

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Date Posted: 06:01:01 11/02/24 Sat

I always got a spanking after my report card was sent home. My parents wanted B’s or better and I somehow ended up with at least 1 C. So over their lap I’d go for the brush on my bare bottom

Oh the memories

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