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Subject: The time I got spanked twice

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Date Posted: 02:20:44 11/05/24 Tue

This was back when I was a new driver. I was trying to be responsible and take care of the car by filling it up with gas. Boy did I mess up. As I pulled into the gas station, I got too close to the pump and dented the front fender. I knew I was in for it. After filling up, I went home and told my parents hoping they’d be happy with me just being honest. Well, they were happy with my honestly, but I was still spanked. Since this was considered a big mistake, I was naked over mom’s knee as she paddled me. I was a crying mess.

Just my luck as I was doing my corner time the mail came (this is how old I am) with my mid term grades for school. I had been struggling in physics, despite getting extra help from the teacher. But I had a D. So guess what…back over a knee. This time it was dad’s turn. I howled as he used the brush.

After my second trip to the corner, I just stayed naked for the evening, I knew putting on clothes would make my poor bottom hurt way more.

I still think of this whenever I pull into a gas station.

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[> Subject: Re: The time I got spanked twice

Maelys to Belle
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Date Posted: 04:36:57 11/06/24 Wed

Hello Belle,

I dont think the first one was deserved, as you mentionned you took care of the car, and got an accident, it wasnt your fault ..
Anyway i think driving age depends on countries.. When you say you were a new driver, how old were you ?
How long ago was it ?

Sucks you had that two times. How long do you / did you usually stay in corner ?

Sorry if that is too many questions lol !


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[> Subject: Re: The time I got spanked twice

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Date Posted: 12:42:40 11/08/24 Fri

I was 16, brand new driver. So this was decades ago now.

Corner time was always 20 minutes. No rubbing.

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